Friday, 2 May 2008

Flowers in the window

its such a lovely day! Sun! And I'm blogging from the garden again
Camera still on the blink , so to speak , so can't take pictures of the flowers in the garden , never mind in the window.
There is a profusion of deep purple pansies in a big blue pot , there are daisies all over the grass , and the Cherry Blossom tree is in blossom with lovely pink flowers. The Fuschia by the front door has started to flower too .
My herb pot of coriander started to grow exponentially and produce lovely delicate white flowers , although I'll have to wait for the leaves to come back before I can use it for cooking again!
Karen and I took our spinning wheels into the Nursery on Wednesday to give a demonstration - the kids seemed to really enjoy , although the teacher enjoyed it a whole lot more! They tried a little knitting/finger knitting , had a feel of the fleece/roving/yarn , gave the drop spindle a wee spin and were generally entertained for about half an hour. This was longer than I had expected , I thought that they would wander off after three minutes and start playing on the climbing frame!
Knitting has slowed down just now , I need to get a move on for several projects that I actually have deadlines for , namely the PIF and my summer tanks!
I am looking forward to "making" my Pay - it - Forward item , it was in December that I signed up on Heathers blog to take part in PIF , and the lovely Tash from Vintage Pretty is to be my recipient of Pay - it - Forward . I've had an idea for some time , so the month of May is devoted to creating it!
Had a lovely evening at Flavaknits night last night , we took up nearly three whole tables. Poor Sandi had done herself a serious injury on her tandem bike , but managed to come along anyway . Lewis and Kimberley were all excited as they go to New Zealand on Saturday for almost a months vacation. Gale was telling us all about her lovely holiday in rural France , a foodies dream holiday! And Moira was knitting up that gorgeous Artesano Alpaca Aran (deep red) into a lovely cabled bag .
I am quite jealous as I love that yarn , it is the loveliest aran yarn I've had the pleasure to work with but sadly it was for a gift so I had to give it away!
I have just realised that it is only a month until the lovely Tigerlilith runs her marathon! I have great respect for anyone doing this , especially if like me , they had no previous running "experience" ! (NB I don't "do" running , walking yes , but not running! lol) If you get a chance , go over to her blog and sponsor her , its a great cause , Cancer Research .
I should really go and do dome housework/entertain jnr junior/ complain about faulty goods , but its such a lovely sunny day, I'll stay out in the garden a little longer .


Anonymous said...

The last few days have been gorgeous haven't they ? Glad you're getting into your PIF - I just sent off my first one and yours is in the pipeline :0) Can you send me your address sometime and one day I'll just surprise you with it :0)


Wee Minty said...

A-ha! And just in time - my tea is ready!