Its Ravelrys' fault!
I got my Ravelry invitation on Saturday evening ! My name is Merinomills - original eh?
I had started a new project on Friday (I told you I'd break some of my resolutions by the 13th January! lol) a little shrug for our friends wee girl - I need to get a move on , as it is for her birthday - 2 weeks ago! Was feeling good as it was from stash and not a new purchase - its DB astrakhan in powder blue , and is dreadful to knit with , but both looks and feels great . Had been checking my email to see if there were any invites , but nothing !
Spent a wonderful , albeit cold, Saturday afternoon at Pollok Park and the Burrell Collection with DH and the children . Saw the Highland Cattle out in the fields next to the house. Then walked very briskly to the Burrell Collection to heat up and have a look inside , or if you are small boys , run around , then demand to go to the cafe for some overpriced sticky cake of sorts! It is a great museum to visit , most of it on the one level , and everything in order and well spaced. There was also a lovely exhibition of Joseph Crawhall's Watercolours , on Reynard the Fox ! The kids showed a little interest , then ran off to buy bendy erasers from the museum shop - very cultured , my lot , NOT! lol
After I got home , and fed the masses , was about to settle down to some more knitting but thought I'd check my inbox first , and there it was .... my invite .
So .... three hours later , the children went to bed in disgust at their mother growling from the computer - "DO NOT DISTURB ME!" Their Father was sat happily in front of Sky Sports!
Hope you've been enjoying Ravelry. It just sort of sucks you in for hours on end, doesn't it?
Hi there,
i was searching the net for some knitting clubs in my local area and i came across your blog, im sending this message on behalf of my mother who owns Alterknit in Port Glasgow, (im more computer savvy than she is). im actually writing to tell you, and your fellow knitters of a deal or 2 we have on offer to knitting club members. the deals are, a 10% discount in the store on presentation of a membership card (which we will supply) or alternatively you can choose any of the wools in our sock and have them delivered to your club at no extra charge to the normal price. the shop has only been open 12 weeks and im just trying some new ideas that nobody else seems to be doing. if your interested you can leave me a message on a bebo site i created (just for a laugh) generally speaking if you google search "Alterknit" and "sid" its the first result. thanks for reading, hope to hear from you soon.
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